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Research Interests

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Dirhodium(II) stabilized donor/acceptor carbenes display an extensive reactivity profile. A major aspect of our research is to develop these novel transformations and explore their scope and limitations. In particular, asymmetric catalysis has provided an efficient means for the preparation of a wide range of essentially enantiopure compounds.

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As new and exciting reactivity is discovered within the realm of metal-stabilized carbene chemistry, a greater understanding is sought. Through a number of collaborations we are bringing together both theoretical and experimental approaches to help understand and expand our novel methodologies.

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The total synthesis of natural products provides the ultimate test for novel methodologies, taking it from a model system and proving its effectiveness in complex systems. The completion of a number of formal and total syntheses have showcased our chemistry and we maintain an active total synthesis program.

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An integral part of our research program is the application of our asymmetric methodologies to the preparation and exploration of novel pharmaceutical targets. We have established strong collaborations with groups who specialize in a variety of disease states, providing the opportunity to assess the biological activity of the broad range of analogues accessible through our modular approach.

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The electronic and steric nature of the ligands that surround the dirhodium(II) core have been shown to exert significant influence on the reactivity and selectivity of the catalyst manifold. We have developed generations of remarkable dirhodium(II) catalysts and continue to explore the fundamentals of the dirhodium(II) catalytic system.

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Proudly sponsored by:


Emory University Sanford S. Atwood Chemistry Center | Dowman Dr, Atlanta, GA 30307

Created by Terrence-Thang H. Nguyen

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